T 1639146110.M681832P1121.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=102355,W=103736(}(TK1644178009.M120337P23507.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3279,W=33564.(TK1631898035.M766738P381.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=45586,W=463422z(XO1640726956.M794764P17379.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=102359,W=103740Y(XO1636812228.M427064P32732.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=102939,W=104328J(TL1635417063.M729168P8483.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=46430,W=47199N(TJ1641963654.M618686P4478.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3216,W=3293R)(TK1631215822.M572488P12350.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3227,W=3304S(TK1636306901.M856995P32546.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3369,W=3449%7(TK1641294973.M440392P14436.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3206,W=3283k(TK1638738886.M999720P19984.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=2298,W=23705+D(XM1634665120.M831145P16911.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=58779,W=59733a(TK1637662671.M357036P10922.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3515,W=35920O(XM1631948429.M310627P26987.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=47398,W=48181$(XM1631359544.M252395P17225.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=58782,W=59736630z(XO1640679703.M970732P27873.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=102994,W=104383,(TL1631800403.M605415P7880.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=45535,W=46291Z](XO1637186608.M126051P31610.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=102355,W=1037362f(TK1638207985.M722330P29275.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=2293,W=236558(XM1633335124.M677234P19693.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=45962,W=46763sY(XM1636758885.M255127P31820.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=41442,W=42143}(TK1644101653.M401871P31592.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3219,W=3296(TJ1644352986.M895268P8338.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3251,W=3335I(TK1644843704.M850565P11708.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3452,W=3529(TI1646562060.M2258P29914.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3268,W=3345(TK1647194236.M824951P21119.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=4257,W=4334(TK1647778236.M260933P21918.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3336,W=3414M(TK1648073094.M607745P11192.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3263,W=3341x(TJ1649692066.M72539P21275.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3476,W=3554](XM1651071026.M703823P13491.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=19344,W=19638Z(XM1652891483.M683132P13660.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=47491,W=48299F(LK1653130814.M550796P19953.server416223.servidoresdedicados.com,S=3293,W=3368ɍXXxITL(pT@ˁT^T َT!َ0T¾T"XŏXߏT,XX搎sTBXBXX4_TeX9nXEGXiTiXJ%ϑTX^ XpY"f+T8\K3XaXbځ[TT\TĒTv͒^TZْrTݒEX2TL8XFOX @_X銓TFדXd=]T,>XAXԢT && module_exists('taxonomy') && preg_match('/taxonomy\/term\/([0-9]+)$/', $current_path, $matches)) { // So the feature is enabled, as is taxonomy module and the current request is a taxonomy term page. // NOTE: This will only match taxonomy term pages WITHOUT a depth modifier $term = taxonomy_term_load($matches[1]); // Get the term path for this term (handler is defined in the vocab table under module). If it differs from the request, then redirect. if (!empty($term) && ($term_path = entity_uri('taxonomy_term', $term)) && $term_path['path'] != $current_path) { $current_path = $term_path['path']; } } // If Content Translation module is enabled then check the path is correct. if ($settings['language_redirect'] && module_exists('translation') && preg_match('/node\/([0-9]+)(\/.+|)$/', $current_path, $matches)) { switch (variable_get('locale_language_negotiation_url_part', LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_PREFIX)) { case LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_PREFIX: // Check if there's a translation for the current language of the requested node... // $matches[0] is the entire matches path from above $node_translations = translation_path_get_translations($matches[0]); // If there is, go to the translation. if (!empty($node_translations[$language->language]) && $node_translations[$language->language] != $matches[0]) { globalredirect_goto($node_translations[$language->language], $options); } // If there is no translation, change the language to fit the content else { $node = node_load($matches[1]); // Check the node has a language set, that it isn't "NONE" (und) and that it dosn't match the site's current language if (isset($node->language) && $node->language != LANGUAGE_NONE && $node->language != $language->language) { $all_languages = language_list(); // TODO: Is it possible to get here with a node in a language not in $all_languages? // Change the global $language's prefix, to make drupal_goto() // follow the proper prefix $options['language'] = $language = $all_languages[$node->language]; globalredirect_goto('node/' . $node->nid . $matches[2], $options); } } break; case LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN: // Let's check is there other languages on site. $all_languages = language_list(); if (count($all_languages) > 1) { foreach ($all_languages as $l => $lang) { // Only test for languages other than the current one. if ($lang->language != $language->language) { $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($current_path, $lang->language); // There is a matching language for this alias if ($alias != $current_path) { if (isset($lang->domain)) { drupal_goto($lang->domain . '/' . $alias, $options, 301); } break; } } } } break; } } // Find an alias (if any) for the request $langcode = isset($options['language']->language) ? $options['language']->language : ''; $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($current_path, $langcode); // Modules may alter outbound links by reference drupal_alter('url_outbound', $alias, $options, $current_path); // If we have a prefix AND an alias, we need to make sure the prefix end with // a slash if ($prefix && $alias) { $prefix .= '/'; } // Alias case sensitivity check. // NOTE: This has changed. In D6 the $alias matched the request (in terms of // case). However in D7 $alias is already a true alias (accurate in case), // and therefore not the "true" request. So, if the alias and the request // path are case-insensitive the same then, if case sensitive URL's are // enabled, the alias SHOULD be the accurate $alias from above, otherwise it // should be the request_path(). // TODO: Test if this breaks the language checking above! if (strcasecmp($alias, request_path()) == 0) { // The alias and the request are identical (case insensitive)... Therefore... $alias = $settings['case_sensitive_urls'] ? $alias : request_path(); } // Compare the request to the alias. This also works as a 'deslashing' // agent. If we have a language prefix then prefix the alias if ($request_path != $prefix . $alias) { // If it's not just a slash or user has deslash on, redirect if (str_replace($prefix . $alias, '', $request_path) != '/' || $settings['deslash']) { globalredirect_goto($alias, $options); } } // If no alias was returned, the final check is to direct non-clean to // clean - if clean is enabled if ($settings['nonclean_to_clean'] && ((bool)variable_get('clean_url', 0)) && strpos(request_uri(), '?q=')) { globalredirect_goto($current_path, $options); } // Restore the destination from earlier so its available in other places. if (isset($destination)) { $_GET['destination'] = $destination; } // Add the canonical link to the head of the document if desired. // TODO - The Canonical already gets set by Core for node page views... See http://api.drupal.org/api/function/node_page_view/7 if ($settings['canonical']) { drupal_add_html_head_link(array( 'rel' => 'canonical', 'href' => url(drupal_is_front_page() ? '' : $request_path, array('absolute' => TRUE, 'query' => $query_string)), )); } // Add the Content-Location header to the page if ($settings['content_location_header']) { drupal_add_http_header('Content-Location', url(drupal_is_front_page() ? '' : $request_path, array('absolute' => TRUE, 'query' => $query_string))); } } /** * A wrapper for drupal_goto() that does not pass through if $path is an * external URL. */ function globalredirect_goto($path = '', array $options = array(), $http_response_code = 301) { if (!globalredirect_url_is_external($path)) { return drupal_goto($path, $options, $http_response_code); } } /** * Check if a path is external (e.g. http://example.com). * * This is a simple copy of url_is_external() which if given an URL with an * invalid protocal will return FALSE, an undesired value. This function will * return TRUE given an URL with an invalid protocol. */ function globalredirect_url_is_external($path) { $colonpos = strpos($path, ':'); return $colonpos !== FALSE && !preg_match('![/?#]!', drupal_substr($path, 0, $colonpos)); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function globalredirect_menu() { $items['admin/config/system/globalredirect'] = array( 'title' => 'Global Redirect', 'description' => 'Chose which features you would like enabled for Global Redirect', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('globalredirect_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => 'globalredirect.admin.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Internal function to determine if GlobalRedirect is active. * Several rules have to be checked prior to execution, such as an empty post array, * the site must be online and we cannot be running in CLI mode (eg Drush). */ function _globalredirect_is_active($settings) { /** * We need to do a test to make sure we only clean up URL's for the main * request. This stops modules such as the Ad Module which had its own script * in its folder doing a bootstrap which invoked hook_init() and caused some * banners to get "cleaned up" * * @see http://drupal.org/node/205810 * @see http://drupal.org/node/278615 */ if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] != $GLOBALS['base_path'] . 'index.php') { return FALSE; } /** * If this is a command line request (Drush, etc), skip processing. */ if (drupal_is_cli()) { return FALSE; } /** * If the site is in offline mode there is little point doing any of this as * you might end up redirecting to a 503. */ if (variable_get('site_offline', 0) == 1) { return FALSE; } /** * If there is something posted, GlobalRedirect is not active */ if (!empty($_POST)) { return FALSE; } /** * If drupal_get_path_alias isn't preset, GlobalRedirect is not active */ if (!function_exists('drupal_get_path_alias')) { return FALSE; } /** * If menu_check is enabled AND the menu_get_item function is missing, * GlobalRedirect is disabled. */ if ($settings['menu_check'] && !function_exists('menu_get_item')) { return FALSE; } /** * If we're going to ignore the admin path, return false. * This is added to allow people to continue to get to the 'admin*' paths, * even if the module is misbehaving. */ if ($settings['ignore_admin_path'] && (arg(0) == 'admin' || arg(0) == 'batch')) { return FALSE; } /** * We seem to have passed all the tests - let say we're active */ return TRUE; } /** * Return the settings with any defaults mapped over the top */ function _globalredirect_get_settings($default_only = FALSE) { $defaults = array( 'deslash' => 1, 'nonclean_to_clean' => 1, 'trailing_zero' => 0, 'menu_check' => 0, 'case_sensitive_urls' => 1, 'language_redirect' => 0, 'canonical' => 0, 'content_location_header' => 0, 'term_path_handler' => 1, 'frontpage_redirect' => 1, 'ignore_admin_path' => 1, ); if ($default_only) { return $defaults; } return variable_get('globalredirect_settings', array()) + $defaults; } /** * globalredirect_request_path() is borrowed from request_uri(), but it only ltrim's.. */ function globalredirect_request_path() { if (request_uri()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['q'])) { $path = $_REQUEST['q']; } else { // This is a request using a clean URL. Extract the path from REQUEST_URI. $request_path = strtok(request_uri(), '?'); $base_path_len = drupal_strlen(rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '\/')); // Unescape and strip $base_path prefix, leaving q without a leading slash. $path = drupal_substr(urldecode($request_path), $base_path_len + 1); } } else { // This is the front page. $path = ''; } // Under certain conditions Apache's RewriteRule directive prepends the value // assigned to $_GET['q'] with a slash. Moreover we can always have a trailing // slash in place, hence we need to normalize $_GET['q']. $path = ltrim($path, '/'); return $path; } Online Payday Loans Ontario? It's Easy If You Do It Smart